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Natural Hair

october 2016 no shampoo conditioner baking soda apple cider vinegar ACV young living essential oils lavender purification

I posted this picture to my Facebook Page this morning.  I haven’t washed my hair in about a month.  Well, I haven’t used store bought shampoo.  Here’s how it happened.

I’ve tried the No Poo thing before and I felt gross and it didn’t work.  I would “wash” my hair with baking soda mixed with water that had gotten cold by the time I dumped it on my head, rinse with apple cider vinegar.  It just didn’t work.


I didn’t start off thinking I was going to try the no shampoo thing again.  I am trying to get away from using products with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in them.  I could not find a store bought shampoo without it.  I realize there are expensive fancy organic shampoos at specialty stores, but if it’s not at Walmart, or on my Young Living Essential Reward’s order, I’m not likely to use it.  I love the Off Grid with Doug and Stacy YouTube channel, and she suggested mixing a tablespoon of baking soda into a cup of water.  I think my ratio might have been off before.  I put a little Young Living Lavender and Purification essential oils in it.  I keep a big cup in my shower, drop a tablespoon in the bottom, then mix the water in once I’m in.  Obviously, I’m just eyeballing the measurements.  Here is the trick: you have to let it sit for several minutes before you rinse.  Then rinse really well.

apple cider vinegar bragg organic acv

When I first started I continued to use the store bought conditioner.  My hair felt dry after the baking soda and I wasn’t concerned about the ingredients.  I have been “washing” my hair this way for about a month now.  After about 3 weeks, I was exploring natural ways to treat dry, itchy, flaky scalp.  It was gross, y’all, and I’ve been dealing with it for months.  I came across several suggestions to use apple cider vinegar.  Here’s the trick with this part: 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water in a spray bottle.  Soak scalp, rub it in good and let it set for 30 minutes.  Instant relief!  All the different products and “tricks” I’ve tried, and this is the first thing that’s ever helped.

Many people complain about having dirty, or greasy hair from using baking soda and ACP instead of standard shampoo and conditioner.  I have not had an issue with that.  In fact, my hair was dry at first.  Many say it takes up to 6 weeks for your hair and body to balance out once you quit the store bought stuff.  I definitely noticed my hair go through some changes, and there were plenty of days that I just threw it in a clip or under a scarf, but heck, I do that a lot anyways.

The next step will be to decide if I want to continue to color my hair.  If I understand correctly, baking soda will strip the color.  I really like the color right now, and I’m not a fan of my natural color.  But I also like not having cancer or an itchy scalp.

Have you ever tried using natural alternatives to wash your hair?

One thought on “Natural Hair

  1. I have! I tried the coconut milk, Castille soap, honey and essential oil thing. It’s okay, but has to be kept in the fridge. I tried the apple cider vinegar rinse. havwnr been a fan of it as it leaves my hair feeling like straw. But, I will try next time to leave it in for half an hour before rinsing. And I’ll try the baking Soda shampoo again with a correct ratio. I too don’t want all that cancer causing stuff on my body or in my home.


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